Rome is a highly urban landscape with a history rooted in its beautiful natural ecology. Through development over time, this connection has been gradually lost, and now the city sits removed almost entirely. Of the green space that does exist, none of it directly relates to the cities most prominent natural feature, the one that allowed the city to exist and thrive in the first place: The Tiber River.
The proposed intervention takes the form of a building-bridge over the Tiber River, connecting Trestevere to the more touristy eastern side. The interior program is an environmental art gallery space, promoting nature through compelling photography and other mediums. The park is located at the roof level, with a public cafe and seating area located centrally. Sculpture gallery spaces are placed at the east and west sides, providing additional desitination points along the trail.
This project was featured at the Italian Embessay as part of their “Italian Design Day” Event on March 14, 2022. It was featured at the AIA District Architecture Center in Washington, DC on March 23, 2022 and remained as an exhibit for two weeks.
For this project, I was the recipient of the Technology and Media Award
The proposed intervention takes the form of a building-bridge over the Tiber River, connecting Trestevere to the more touristy eastern side. The interior program is an environmental art gallery space, promoting nature through compelling photography and other mediums. The park is located at the roof level, with a public cafe and seating area located centrally. Sculpture gallery spaces are placed at the east and west sides, providing additional desitination points along the trail.
This project was featured at the Italian Embessay as part of their “Italian Design Day” Event on March 14, 2022. It was featured at the AIA District Architecture Center in Washington, DC on March 23, 2022 and remained as an exhibit for two weeks.
For this project, I was the recipient of the Technology and Media Award
Analytical Section:
The cleansing effect of implementing floating bio-islands
Park Ramp
Cafe from East
Rest Points
Central Cafe
Gallery Interior
Lobby Interior
Ponte Rotto
Presentation Boards